MANGALORE: Panambur Beach Tourism Development Project authorities on Sunday added a new attraction to tourists thronging Panambur beach, some 10-kms from here. Mangalore City South MLA J R Lobo formally inaugurated the horse drawn carriage service in the presence of MCC Commissioner Ajith Kumar Hegde Shanady, Mangalore City North MLA B A Mohiuddin Bava.

The service, according to Yathish Baikampady, CEO of the project will ferry tourists from the road leading to the beach from the national highway just off the office of commissioner of customs at Panambur. While the ride from the beach to the above mentioned drop off will be via Nandaneshwar Temple and NMPT administrative office, the trip back will be all along the beach road.

Lobo, who inaugurated the service said initiatives such as this will give people the opportunity to get a slice of history and how earlier systems of transport worked. “”The city had its tryst with horse drawn carts in the past,”” Lobo said, adding the latest initiative on part of the project authorities also lays accent on clean and green means of transport, which needs to be supported.

Bava was pleased that the initiative had taken off at Panambur beach, which is part of his assembly constituency. “”I will strive to ensure that such tourism related initiatives get support at the government level,”” Bava said, adding he would impress on the minister for tourism, and higher education R V Deshpande to give greater fillip to such eco-friendly tourism initiatives.

Courtesy: Times of India