Mangalore: Diocesan Laity Commission organized, a interactive meet “Mulakat” with MLA J R Lobo, at the Rosario hall here on November 14.

The programme began with an invocation. Secretary Fr J B Crasta welcomed the gathering. The interactive meet was inaugurated by the Bishop of Mangalore Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza along with MLA J R Lobo by lighting the traditional lamp.

Dr Aloysius D’Souza recalling the story of a King said that, the subjects of a king appointed women to welcome the King on his maiden visit. All the women then selected one among them to honour the King. The woman while honouring the King said, “Dear King, we welcome you, you are our own and whatever I have, I will dedicate it to you. I have 4 sons, my elder son is good in studies and I will make him a doctor. After his studies you can use him to heal the people. My second son is good in social service and you can use him to serve your people. My third son is a good soldier and he can help you to safeguard your kingdom and my 4th son is good in character and I will make him as a priest and you can use him to spread the word of God.

Further Bishop continued and said, “We have elected J R Lobo as our leader and we call J R Lobo is our own, and now he has become MLA. He is from our community. We are ready to help him. We have received good respect because Lobo is from our own community. We are here to discuss the present issues and take his guidance. When we accept him as our own, Lobo should also think that he should serve the society”.

Bishop continued and said, “Recently the state government has conferred the Rajyostava awards on 58 persons, but the sad part is there was not even a single person from our community. The previous government did not give any recognition to our community but the present government also did not consider our community. The government should understand and consider our service and recognize it. We understand that our MLA is not only for our community, but is for the entire Mangalore south constituency. We did not get our share in the Rajyostava awards, this should not be repeated, he opined.

In response to the speech, Lobo said that after 20 years, because of the support of the diocesan people it was possible to get a MLA from our community. People expect many things from the MLA. “As a MLA I have to take responsibilities to solve the problems of the people. When the work is not being carried out, people will feel bad. There are many problems such as Drainage work, drinking water problem, electricity problem and so on. We are trying our best to solve the problems one by one”. he said.

We are thinking about the overall development of Mangalore. 45 projects have been identified to develop the district and discussions are going on. Let us be united and work for the development of the district, he said.

There was a interaction session between the pubic and the MLA. When asked about the pathetic condition of the roads and footpath in the city, Lobo said, “In the Rs 100 crore development project, our main concentration is to develop the roads and make proper footpaths in the city so that the major problem of the people will be solved. Kadri Park will be upgraded, Water supply and under ground drainage will be completed within 3 months. A proper walking track for all will be completed soon on the outer side of the stadium.

People shared their problems with the MLA and he assured to solve their problems. Gerald D’Costa, Roy Castelino, Advocate M P Noronha, and Nigeil Pereira were also present.
